Thursday, February 24, 2011


In this activity we used the subprogram option in RoboPRO.
---a Subprogram allows us to have a program to control our fischertechnik product on multiple pages rather than having everything on one page. This makes our main page much more simple and organized. This also allows us to work on each part individually and have the final product bring all the subprograms together to make a simple main program.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

RoboPRO Branch Functions and Variables

---We have taken what we've learned from the RoboPro Software for Fischertechnik presentation on Tuesday/Wednesday and created a program that used a branch function and loop to increment the value of a variable 5 times before completing.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Machine Control: Activity 3.1.4 Branch Functions

---What we did in the activity was we used the branch function to explore and learn how we can control or fischer technik machine not only by the computer but also by the branch function. Also how the branch function affects our computer RoboPRO program.

---I did this activity by myself so I used the RoboPRO software, built the hardware, and prepared the images.

1. Describe why it is important to include branches in programs.
---It is important to include branches in programs because it gives you a lot more options while using the RoboPRO software. You can create a programs on RoboPRO but the branch function then allows you to control the different routes that your program takes outside of using the computer.

2. Describe an everyday application of a normally open switch that has not been given as an example.
---An everyday application of a normally open switch that has not been given as an example would be a trash compactor. They are seldom used but they are used and the switch is closed every once and a while.

3. Describe an everyday application of a normally closed switch that has not been given as an example.
---An example of an everyday application of a normally closed switch is a light switch in a building or a habited home. Light switches are often closed and tend to be open late at night.

Machine Control: Activity 3.1.1 Inputs and Outputs

1. Examine the wire diagram on the mini switch and describe how the diagram relates to the concepts of normally open and normally closed.

2. If computers only understand digital signals, then how is a computer able to interpret the analog signals coming from the interface?

3. Why does resistance decrease as the NTC Resistor becomes warmer?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Less is More

If "elegance" in design is doing more with less, how will the New Balance 890 accomplish this?
---Less is definitely more when is comes to running shoes. You want a comfortable shoe that doesn't slow you down. So one must try to cut as much weight as possible without sacrificing practicality.

---For example they tried to find a new foam for their midsole that wouldn't sacrifice feel or durability. They also found a way to reduce the cushion in the tongue without the comfort being affected. They even changed the laces in order to make the pressure on the tongue more comfortable.
---So these small changes make a huge noticable difference. The designers took a very smart route in designing this shoe. They first thought of what they were trying to accomplish. They then designed each piece of the shoe individually so that it was as light and praticle as possible. They then scetched the shoe and placed all the pieces that they designed together to form the shoe. The look that they went for is what they thought runners outside of the shoe-designing industry would want their shoe to look like.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Flowcharting 3.2.1

1. How is flowcharting similar to using a map to plan a route for a trip? Flowcharting is similar to using a map to plan a route for a trip because it lays out the moves that one is going to take from start to finish just like a map.

2. Describe a process that you perform every day. Develop a flowchart that illustrates the process.