Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Glider Challenge: Deliverables

1) An image of your completed glider design.

Final Project

2) Your Glider Challenge: Design Phase notes.  
1) What's the challenge?
   The challenge is to create a glider out of tissue paper, wooden dowels, and glue. The goal is to have to glider stay in the air the most amount of time and travel the longest distance of anyone else's glider.

2) Brainstorm solutions:We have a couple important ideas that we want to add to our plane.
-large wings
-curved wings
-a rounded body (like the bottom of a boat)

-rear tail wings
-a balance plane

3) Specify:
-Some of the criteria that we need to meet is out plane must be able to withstand a two story drop so they can be flown again. They also have to be able to glide obviously so they don't just free fall to the earth.
-Our main constraint is that we are limited in our materials. We have only three products we can use, those being tissue paper, glue, and wooden dowels. Also we have only about five 3' long dowels to use which is going to make up the whole body of our glider.

4) Develop Solutions:
Sketch of idea

3) Your Glider Challenge: Test Phase notes.
    a) What did you learn from your test flight? 

   b) What are your goals for your glider and how did you adjust your design in order to help it better meet them?  
-The goals for our glider is for it to be balanced so it does not do continuous back flips but rather glides while staying right side up. How we adjusted this is by moving the rear horizontal tail wings and moving them to the front and extending them off of the nose so it is balanced both front to back, and side to side.

4) How did your glider perform? What would you change if we competed again?                                                                                                                 
-Our glider unfortunately suffered a crash right before our flight and the front wings broke off. We had to quickly add weight to the front so it was balanced without the front wings. So when we threw our glider it was not very balanced and flipped up side down and flew like that until it crashed. We did win both the distance and the hang time competitions with our glider. If I could change anything for the flight I would reinforce the front so it would not break on flight day.