>What was the challenge?
---The challenge in this game was to have every member in our group touch the ball and have the ball returned to the starter person faster than our opposing group.
>What did your team come up with to solve the challenge?
---The plan our team came up with to solve this problem was we had everyone stand really close together and just held out our hands and we let the tennis ball role over our hands around the circle of group members fingers.
>How did the execution of your plan work out?
---Our execution of this plan worked out perfectly but we still tied the opposing group.
>What would you do the same and what would you differently?
---I would keep our main idea the same but I would change how we angled our hands because we didn't practice very much for it and that slowed down the balls speed. We worked as a team to come up with this plan because we all realized that the ball would finish quickly if the distance that needed to be traveled was shortest. After the constraint changed and we were no longer allowed to be touching the ball as the same time as our opposing team we made a slope of hands and had the starter person put a hand at the beginning and at the end.
>Did your team win or lose the game?
---We tied the first game and won the second challange.
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